Float Therapy in Connecticut at Tranquil Balance
The purpose of float therapy is sensory deprivation; allowing your body to relax completely both mentally and physically simultaneously. Eliminating all sensory input allows the part of your brain that is always active to be put on pause for a second, allowing the creative, relaxed part of your brain to surface and flourish. Without the constant pressure of analyzing the world around you, your body lowers its levels of cortisol, the main chemical component of stress. Your brain also releases elevated levels of dopamine and endorphins, (the neurotransmitters of well-being), giving you a natural mood high which has been shown to last well past your float session.
Existing in an essentially anti-gravity chamber lets your muscles, joints, and bones take a well-deserved break. Your body is renewed with extra resources usually used to support your weight, regulate body temperature, and multi-tasking. With the salt and buoyancy taking over that job, your body gets to focus on things like healing and resting. As you step into the water take a sigh of relief and let the float relieve you of your consciousness of the outside world.

By alleviating the pressure of gravity, your spine can lengthen an entire inch, chronic pain is relieved, and your muscles get to fully rest. Unlike lying on a mattress, lying in water allows blood to flow freely all throughout your body. There’s no need to readjust to get comfortable, the concentration of salt is so high that your body is completely buoyant and the water holds you in the position nature intended. Even those who can't float in a regular body of water, are able to float effortlessly.
About 40 minutes into a float session your brain stops producing its normal Alpha waves and starts churning out Theta waves. These waves are responsible for the state of consciousness between-waking-and-sleeping, and you make them naturally every night before you fall asleep. While it only lasts for a few sparse moments in your bed, you can achieve a prolonged Theta state in the float room, a state of consciousness that is usually only seen in children and people who have spent years practicing meditation.
The magnesium sulfate, commonly known as Epsom salt is so good for all people. It softens and replenishes your skin, and helps counteract the magnesium deficiency that most of us have due to depleted magnesium levels in our soil. Magnesium also aids in the absorbtion of calcium, and is most easily absorbed through the skin.
Some of the physical and emotional issues relieved by floating are: